👶First-Time User

The Telegram Bot is where all new FrenBot users get started.

  1. Access the Telegram Bot by clicking this link.

  2. Click the Start button, or enter /start in the bot if the chat window is already open.

  3. Send at least 0.01 ETH to your newly generated wallet(s) to use for trading, or import your wallet's private key. Warning: If you decide to use bot-generated wallet, save it's private key or once you import another wallet, you will loose access to bot-generated wallet.

  4. That's it! Now you can continue using the Frenbot.

Why do I need to send at least 0.01 ETH to my trading wallet(s)?

Wallets that have less than 0.01 ETH while keeping active SocialFi trading available for Base & friend.tech, are considered to be inactive for token trading, and our system will ignore them. Balances of this size are insufficient to pay for Ethereum gas costs.

We recommend deposits of higher threshold than 0.01ETH as it's suboptimal amounts to maintain FrenBot activities for SocialFi transactions and token activities.

Last updated