Fees & Loyalty Program
Loyalty Program Tier System
You can gain additional % bonus perks while holding FrenBot's Friend Tech key. Owning FrenBot keys is optional.
Friend System
While holding a minimum of 1 FrenBot key makes you eligible for an additional % off, any higher number than that can be held by the person that referral link you have used to boost your % off. Example: User A owns 4 FrenBot Keys; User B owns 1 FrenBot Key.
If user B uses a referral link from User A, in total they have 5 FrenBot Keys which gives both of them perks as if holding a total of 5 FrenBot Keys.
Transaction Volume
Tier 0: Ref Link
5% off
Tier 1: Ref Link + 1 FrenBot Key
10% off
1 to gain 5% off (10%)
Tier 2: $2.5k Volume Traded
20% off
2 to gain 5% off (25%)
Tier 3: $5k Volume Traded
30% off
3 to gain 5% off (35%)
Tier 4: $20k Volume Traded
40% off
4 to gain 5% off (45%)
Tier 5: $50k Volume Traded
50% off
5 to gain 5% off (55%)
Token Holders
Tier 0: Ref Link
5% off
Tier 1: Ref Link + 1 FrenBot Key
10% off
1 to gain 5% off (10%)
Tier 2: 1500 $MEF
20% off
2 to gain 5% off (25%)
Tier 3: 15000 $MEF
30% off
3 to gain 5% off (35%)
Tier 4: 75000 $MEF
40% off
4 to gain 5% off (45%)
Tier 5: 150000 $MEF
50% off
5 to gain 5% off (55%)
Referral systems will be enabled alongside V2 MEF Smart Contract Upgrade
The required rates and tiers are subject to change based on the dynamic economic conditions surrounding FrenBot's growth. The FrenBot Team will continuously assess token and volume rates to ensure they align with practical accessibility criteria.
Last updated